
Design Sprint

Behavioural Science based UX research

UX design, Visual (UI Design)

Customised reporting process

Data visualisation platform with different views for paying clients that enables data led tactical and strategic decision making

Development of the entire platform as a service that includes a web app, iOS app, Android app

Admin panel for Safecity personnel

Admin panels for all their clients

Integration with Goa police and Delhi police systems

Integration with Cisco systems for Tasmania police

Chat support with an empathetic AI chat bot

Location specific content - Helplines, Legal Resources

Search for Hospitals and Police Stations

Legal Resources

The problems

01 04

Only 281 of the 18000+ reports were entered by users on the mobile and web apps. The rest of the 17000+ reports were entered in manually by Safecity staff. These were collected in person as surveys. The apps were not user friendly at all and although more than 56000 people visited the web app annually for 3 years, only 109 people reported on it.

02 04

There wasn’t much clarity for a user on what was expected to be submitted as a report, why they should share their experience, or how the data would be used.

03 04

The user experience of sharing- both in terms of language and UI did not take into account the stress and trauma that a user would deal with while sharing one’s experience of sexual violence.

04 04

There were no strategic partnerships leveraged to increase the number of users on the app and therefore grow the database of sexual violence.

Our Solutions

01 07

Transforming Safecity from a standalone app to an ecosystem enabled through PaaS. This ensures there are hubs around the world, paying Safecity for use of their platform. Apart from making Safecity a revenue positive NGO, we have enabled sustainable forms of data gathering from across the globe.

02 07

We brought structure to the data gathering process by dividing the form into two parts: Primary form - the necessary questions, and Secondary form - in depth questions, that are specific to the category of violence, for market research.

03 07

Implementing behavioural science to ensure that the process is easy and inclusive for users as they recount details of a traumatic experience. The UI was also redesigned to ensure a calming interface.

04 07

We engaged a physo-linguist to write microcopy about why a user should share their experience, and how the crowdsourced data will be used.

05 07

We provided the users with support such as - Indian Penal Code (IPC) codes corresponding to the type of sexual violence they reported, other relevant legal resources, important helplines, listing of hospitals and police stations according to GPS coordinates.

06 07

Lots of users had unstructured information they wanted to share. This is captured by the intelligent chat functionality to facilitate unstructured sharing of information post the structured forms.

07 07

An easily accessible repository of shared incidents with sorting capabilities for the admin dashboard.


Cost Centre To Revenue Stream

Transforming Safecity from a standalone app to an ecosystem enabled through PaaS. This ensures there are hubs around the world, paying Safecity for use of their platform. Apart from making Safecity a revenue positive NGO, we have enabled sustainable forms of data gathering from across the globe.


Data Gathering

We brought structure to the data gathering process by dividing the form into two parts: Primary form - the necessary questions, and Secondary form - in depth questions, that are specific to the category of violence, for market research.


Reducing Abandonment

Implementing behavioural science to ensure that the process is easy and inclusive for users as they recount details of a traumatic experience. The UI was also redesigned to ensure a calming interface.


Creating A Shared Purpose

We engaged a physo-linguist to write microcopy about why a user should share their experience, and how the crowdsourced data will be used.


Empowering With Information

We provided the users with support such as - Indian Penal Code (IPC) codes corresponding to the type of sexual violence they reported, other relevant legal resources, important helplines, listing of hospitals and police stations according to GPS coordinates.


Smart Chat Bot

Lots of users had unstructured information they wanted to share. This is captured by the intelligent chat functionality to facilitate unstructured sharing of information post the structured forms.


Data Led Decision Making

An easily accessible repository of shared incidents with sorting capabilities for the admin dashboard.

Business Impact


Safecity is revenue positive and the launch was discussed in the United Nations General Assembly. The platform is yet to go live but 6 clients have already signed up and paid.

Now global impact and grant money allocated to technology across Gender Based Violence and Girl Child Initiatives can now be funneled towards impact and awareness.
The platform is plug and play - NGOs, civic authorities and police forces the world over can use it - no duplication of effort is necessary.

Elsamarie D’Silva

Founder & CEO, Safecity

Ritu and her team at The Data Duck are great partners of Red Dot Foundation. Ritu has been an advisor on our technology stack, helping us assess and map out our needs, create an empathetically designed reporting platform for a survivor and design a low cost system that is easy to manage. Her team has been an extension to our team as they are passionate about the cause and have delivered above and beyond their mandate. It is with partners like Ritu and her team that we can achieve our mission for a safer world.

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